Sundays at CCC

Here at the Capital City Church, we enjoy coming together to celebrate our Lord and Savior. We believe that God desires our worship in song, in truth and in fellowship. In our services, you will enjoy singing, hearing the truths of God’s Word preached expositionally, and receive encouragement from fellow believers.


9:00 am (Labor Day through Memorial Day)

  • Discipleship Hour (Adults)
  • Children's Catechism Hour (Children)

10:15 am (Every Sunday)

  • Corporate Worship
  • Children’s Ministry

Worship Service

Each Lord’s Day service we sing a mixture of classic hymns and modern songs designed to glorify God and encourage the saints. We care about expository preaching and hearing the full counsel of God through His Word.

Discipleship Hour

Paul Grantz: Bible Class (FC 201)

Nathan Winters: Christian Ethics (CC 107)

Rex Amend: Books of the Bible Survey (AC 101)

Mimi Norris: Perfect Harmony (FC 204)

Children’s Ministry

Whether you enter through the front doors or park in the East parking lot and come through the courtyard door labeled Children’s Center, rest assured that you'll easily find the Children’s Check-In by following the signs.

Our children’s Sunday School class meets at 9:00am (Labor Day through Memorial Day) and is working through the New City Catechism children’s curriculum. We also have a class for children during our primary 10:15am service that uses The Gospel Project curriculum. Nursery is available at every service. Children from 4 years old to 5th grade can join us each Sunday in the Children’s Center rooms.

Family Room

There is a Family Room right next to the Worship Center for parents with little ones. It contains a large monitor with the service being live-streamed, crib rocking chairs, and a changing table with diapers and wipes.


Our nursery is available for any children under 4 years old. The best way to find us is to come into the building at the Pershing entrance and take the stairs down one flight to sign in your child. Please let our volunteers know if you have any specific instructions.

If you would rather keep your young child with you, our Family Room down the hall from the Worship Center has a live-stream of the corporate worship service and other amenities for young families.

Family First Sunday

The goal of our church is to worship together and make disciples. On the first Sunday of each month, we celebrate communion together, and close our children’s 10:15 class to encourage parents to attend a communion worship service with their children as an opportunity for home discipleship regarding why believers take communion.


Capital City Church
1800 E. Pershing Blvd.
Cheyenne, WY 82001



Plan Your Visit

We would love to know you're coming! Please let us know how when we can expect you, and what we can do to make your visit enjoyable!